One of the worst issues to face is to come to a distant location and find out that the coil starts to glitch. It is impossible to search in such conditions, so wherever you are going for metal detecting, it always makes sense to take a spare coil with you. If you treasure hunt with a friend, take at least one spare coil for two of you (but make sure it is compatible with the metal detecting machine). However, in any case you have to be able to double-check your coil and maybe fix the glitch right on the location. For this, use our list of step-by-step check.
Check The Glitching Machine Step By Step
Every detectorist has to be able to inspect and check the metal detector and each element of it to find and maybe fix the glitch right away. This will enable them to save their time and effort, and also money. In most cases, glitches are caused by minor issues.
Replace The Batteries
One of the most widespread reasons for glitching is low battery. If you use replaceable batteries, just go and change them right away. For this, always keep a spare set with you. Sometimes, even new batteries can turn out to be of poor quality, or maybe they were kept improperly. Low battery can make the machine squeak all the time.
Identify If Location Is The Cause
Maybe the location is too high in trash, or the ground is mineralized, or whatever else. You have to check whether your machine glitches on a particular place, or just anywhere. Try to retune the machine to the manufacturer’s settings in the first place. You can also take the coil up in the air and check if the ground causes unhealthy squeaking. If there is a well-known or neutral location nearby, go and check the device there.
Coil Or Control Box
The the next aspect to check is whether the glitch is caused by the coil or the control box. For this, use a spare coil, even if it is incompatible with your device. If the glitches continue, the reason is in the control box.
Coil Issues
Sometimes it is not the coil that causes problems, but the protective cover. Check the cover and make sure there is no water underneath, the cover and coil are not too wet, or the coil is not too hot. If you are beach detecting, take time to remove wet salty sand from under the cover.
As for the coil itself, there are four potential causes of trouble – the connector, the cable, the cable outlet, the coil as it is.
- the connector, the cable, or the cable outlet can rapidly decrease the depth of reach. It means one of the circuits is damaged.
- the coil does not spot silver or copper – it means it is either not tuned properly, so pay attention to the settings. Or the coil can be flawed (this is especially true for cheap Chinese ones).
- Fake signals when the device is shaken in the air – the cause is either the cable, or the damaged circuit. Try to knock on the coil without moving the cable. If the reason is the cable, this is easier to fix, while the damaged circuit will require full-fledged repair.
Get Yourself A Decent Coil
Coils are crucial for productive treasure hunting, so keep in mind the following facts:
- Chinese coils or famous brands forgery easily heat up and give fake signals
- take care of the cable, as it is crucial and not easy to buy in case of repair
- coils that are not sealed are more prone to moisture accumulation. The sealing is also somewhat pricey for the repair.
Most glitches can be fixed right on the location if the cause is minor. However, always double-check your device before going treasure hunting, and get as much spare parts as you can.